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Move Podcast to Buzzsprout

So, you already have your podcast on another host, but you want to check out Buzzsprout? Don't worry, it's super easy to test it out and move your podcast! Most podcasters can make the switch in about 15 minutes!

Step 1: Find your podcast in Apple Podcasts

When you first sign up for Buzzsprout you will be asked if you already have a podcast or if you are starting fresh! Since you have a podcast already, select that option!
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Next, we will ask you to search Apple Podcasts and find your podcast for importing! When your podcast shows up, click on your artwork to start the import.
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We will copy a few episodes and your podcast details into your account so you can see how everything will look inside of Buzzsprout. This process is really quick, it typically takes about 1-2 minutes. 

Don't worry! This doesn’t affect your existing podcast—we’re just copying in a few episodes so you can get a feel of podcasting with Buzzsprout. You haven’t committed to anything yet!
Getting Started-Moving your podcast to Buzzsprout 3.png
Click See Your Podcast in Buzzsprout and you’ll see your episodes that we just copied in. We will make sure your episodes are in the correct format and correctly tagged with ID3 tags for podcasts! 
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Step 2: Upgrade Your Account

If you like the feel of Buzzsprout after spending some time testing the features, then you can move to Step #2: Upgrading your account! Click that step to select a plan and upgrade! Learn more about our plans here: Buzzsprout Pricing. Once you upgrade we will import all of your existing episodes (yes, all of them!) from your RSS feed without counting it against your allowance!

Step 3: Copy Remaining Episodes

Now that your account is on a paid plan you can copy in all your remaining episodes into your account! Just click Step #3 to copy in the remaining episodes. This will take a few minutes, but you should see all the episodes queue up and start processing right away.

Don't Forget! You can bring your stats with you when you move to Buzzsprout! Check out this article for the full process of importing your stats!

Step 4: Redirect Your Old Feed

Redirecting your feed is one of the most important parts of moving your podcast to a new host. When you were with your old host, Apple Podcasts and your listeners subscribed to your RSS feed — they knew where to find you on the web. Even if people were listening in their own podcast apps, the app itself was saving the address to your old host.

Think of it like your former address. If you decide to move you have to tell everybody where to forward your mail, and you tell all your friends and family where you moved. This is essentially what you're doing when you redirect your RSS feed.

Once your episodes are in Buzzsprout you’ll be able to redirect your podcast feed from your old host. Check out this page for instructions on how to move from Anchor, Blubrry, Libsyn, Podbean, or SoundCloud. If you’re on Feedburner, then you can just update your Feedburner Source Feed.

Note: You'll need to take one more step to make sure your Spotify listing is moved to Buzzsprout! Check out that extra step here: Updating RSS Feed in Spotify

Once your 301 redirect is in place you can test the redirect to ensure that everything is working properly.
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Welcome to Buzzsprout!

That’s it! Four easy steps to move your podcast to Buzzsprout! 

We recommend that you keep the redirect in place on your old host for at least 2 weeks before deleting your old podcast host account! This way you won't lose any subscribers or listings.

If you have any questions during your import process shoot an email to our support team and we will walk you through the entire process!